Author: limitlessachievement

Response to Stress is Key to Success

Stress is inevitable.  Everyone suffers failures, disappointments, setbacks, obstacles and difficulties.  The only thing over which you have control is how you respond to these stressful events.  Responding with a positive and constructive attitude allows you to be more creative and alert to opportunities and solutions that move you toward your desired goal.

Time Management = Life Management

You cannot save time; you can only spend it differently.  You can only reallocate time away from low-value activities (idle socializing & TV), and toward high-value activities that make a positive difference in your life (e.g., practice, study, reading & exercise).  Use your time to invest in yourself and get the highest payoff.

True Success and the Ultimate Goal

We are conditioned to believe “success” involves an established career, large house, sleek car, perfect body shape, and large bank account.  The truth is that everyone has their own path to walk in this life, and what brings true meaning and deep fulfillment differs for everyone. So, it follows that we should live, work, love, […]

Luck & Fate or Cause & Effect?

Quite simply, there are no “lucky” or “unlucky” people – only “deliberate” and “non-deliberate” creators.  You are solely responsible for your life.  There is no “fate” or “luck” or predestination, nor is there a divine puppet-master granting earthly wishes or doling out karmic punishments. The quality and consistency of your thoughts and actions are the cause of the circumstances in […]

Unconventional Life Challenge

In 2015 and beyond, I challenge myself and you to live an unconventional life, in which we each make decisions from a place of soul, rather than a place of societal standards.  We each commit to operate from a place of love — shining our light so that others aren’t afraid to do the same.  We […]