Continuously seeing and feeling your goals fulfilled will greatly expedite their accomplishment – and a vision board will help you do both. A vision board activates the creative powers of your subconscious mind, and programs your brain to notice available resources and opportunities you might otherwise have missed. The following 5 steps will help you create a vision board for rapid accomplishment of your goals:
1) Create a list of goals you desire to achieve this year.
2) Collect beautiful pictures from magazines or the internet, which represent your goals and INSPIRE you.
3) Make a collage with your pictures (either with a poster board and glue, or electronically) in an arrangement visually pleasing to you.
4) Add motivational affirmation words that represent how you want to FEEL (because your ideal life is more about feeling happy, healthy, loved and financially secure, than having material possessions).
5) Observe and contemplate your vision board for a few minutes every day (ideally when you first wake in the morning and before you go to sleep at night).
Follow these simple steps and you will accomplish your goals faster than you ever thought possible!